Monday, 28 December 2009


these are some wonderfu stamps from pinkgem designs. on her blog she is offering the chance to win these stamps, check it out here

Sunday, 27 December 2009

my poor george

my poor george boy went to heaven today. His cancer had spread throughout all hs body, he had nasty lumps everywhere and today was very quiet and lethargic so it was time. his poo sister, they were so close. am introducing lilly to another 2 of my rabbits as soon as i get a new cage. an expense not planned for but it cant be helped.

while at work i made this bead. Took me 3 hours but it was great fun and i loved it. Now i just need to make some more. photo is bad though

ha a great xmas and got loads of pressies, some books, craft, dvd, jewellery all sorts. here are a few pics.

Sunday, 20 December 2009


I love the snow, we have laods. there was a few more inches when i woke up this morning. It is great! However i dont drive in it. I hate drivivng and am not very confident on new things, i panic. I am quite confident on roads i know and conditions i know but not too good with dark and dont even get me started on ice! This sucks though as i cant go to the zoo as i cnat drive there :( wanted to see the animals in the snow. Could have probably got a lift one day but dad has put his back out and can barely move so he could not drive me.

Here are some pics of bella in the snow, she loves it. She is like a made women, never know a dog with so much eneergy. In the snow she is hyper and wont keep still, she is like a little lamb. my camera has a snow seting but it is not very good as you can see. need a new camera i think...

man they look bad.... sigh

Have been doing some christmas cooking as well, made a pecan pie. Am also making mini chocolates for people in little christmasy bags. i have a pic of those in the making as well.

merry christmas everyone!!

Thursday, 17 December 2009

bella again!

Thought i would finally upload the pics of bella at the christmas tree as tomorrow i will probably have snow pictures tomorrow. Bella loves the snow!

My poor little bunnies they do always get attacked by dogs. poor sasha has been atacked by 3 dogs now! Last night being the latest as she was dragged out her hutch by her fur by Bella. She doesnt care though bless her she is used to it. doesnt blink an eye. we just scopped her up and put her back in her hutch and she went straight back and ate her dinner bless.

i have also done 1 scrapbook page. miracle i know. so thought i would share that with you.

best news of all. MY DISSERTATION IS FINISHED!!! well pretty much finished. just needs proof reading and a bit of organising but am doing that just before d day. am sooo happy. did not realised how stressed i was until i finished. i feel so different like my normal self again. first thig i did was have the desire to go make something, but i had to clear my desk first. sigh. took ages but done now.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

long time no post

It is almost christmas!!! woop!! Am so excited.

NOt done much at all worth mentioning, just uni and getting ready for christmas and stuff.

Am putting the decs up as we speak but bella is helping in a bad way lol. Christmas trees make awesome chew toys apparently, will add some pictures later

Bella has had her hair cut so have added some pictures for that and some of her on 'her' sofa.

Some pictures of the christmas EDU meal which we had today as well, that was great fun! my ss pressies was wind up mini space hoppers! great!

Also super news, one of the torotise eggs is fertile, yay. we have made an inncubator, now we just need to hope it hatches. I hope it does.