Saturday, 8 August 2009

dogs and buttons

a quick example to show of a button neclace i have made and will be selling. this one is unofficially reserved by casey at the moment lol. i have made 3 and a bit sets so far and have ordered more buttons already even though i have loads left. The craft fair i am seling them at is in October. If you want a stall to sell handmade items i will pass on the details.

I also have some pictures to show you of Honey. Our friends apricot poodle who came to see us today. she is a simia age to prince but if you look at all the pictures of her making friends with the rabbits you can see how poorly princey was as he looked soooo different compared to her and soo poorly compared. it is sad. proves we did the right thing.

have donea little craft stuff but not too much have been just sluming it eing bored, not been in the mood to do much and the thing i have been doing most is button jewellery. with the exception of 2 layouts, but i just got out some sketch and lo books from the libary.

in other news, tomorrow i am getting a puppy. a white standard poodle called Bella. It is really soon and i did wonder if it was too soon to start with but we are dog people and we are all finding it very hard without prince. we are a family that needs a dog and my mum is the most impatient person in the whole world. However we do have to go all the way to Sheffield. Will add some pictures tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how she is comparered to my Prince. I was looking at all the pictures of him on my camera earlier, there are loads! I had some photots of him out to scrap but i put them away as it is too soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sam, thanks for adding the piccies of Honey -they're lovely. Thinking of you from the moment I woke up this morning as you set off to get Bella. Can't wait to see her photos - she's going to look like a cuddly toy!!aaaaaaaahhhhhh wish Honey was a baby again! Love to you all, Anne x
