Saturday, 30 May 2009


woo hoo have finished my exmas i am free until september!! woop. Exam was fine except from the end. You are not allowd to leave the exam when there is 15 minutes left, the lead invidulator tried to joke around a bit and said we could not leave unless we were dead.... but i yhink i am still alive lol. Have had a cough and 10 minutes to go i had a hugh coughing fit! Drank my drink, ate my sweets, Sharon who sat next to me was oassing me hers but nothing would work and i sat there cos i knew was meant to leave but the lady came over and said ic ould thankfully! went to the loo where i hacked away and the lady outside came to check on me 3 times i was coughing so much then i went backinthe exam when it was over. Soooo embarrising! there was 100 people in there and all the people who know me were laughing! Had a big bbq afterwards which was good. am a bit red and soooo full! you would not believe the amount of food there was! Just desert wise there was 2 cheesecakes, 2 pies, 1 gateau, 1 pavlova, 2 packs of ice cream/lollys/ box of cookies and 3 tubs of strawberries! SO much left. guess what i am eating for the next few days, apaprt from the gooseberries of course. have eaten so many today have a sore mouth. Here are a few pictures of the bbq to share. Tomorrow after fruit picking it is back to crafting yay and then on MOnday when i volunteer at the local school it is arts week so should be good.

Friday, 29 May 2009


woo hoo fruit picking for gooseberries starts tomorrow!! sooooo excited am soooo addicted to gooseberries yum yum yum. Mum is going to get me some for when i finish my exam and then we will go get gooseberries and strawberries Sunday yay yay yay yay.

Thursday, 28 May 2009

uni grrrr

I got a lvoley parcel from capture the magic this mornign of the new doodlebug range. It is sooooo lovely i dont want to use it!

Had to go to uni today to hand in some bits and well i am fed up. I dont know if iwant to go back. I am so fed up of the whole course and the million things wrong with it. Today just tops it all off. I am sick of fighting for what should be a given. I have sent 2 emails today one nice and one not so nice to see what happens but i am just really fed up of fighting my corner. As for the people who are meant to be my friends there well...... When i got home form uni today soo mnay things have gone wrong since, just litle things like the dog eating the yummy lunch i bought and stuff.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

I have a few bits to show you today. A card i made and a layout of prince. i am really please with my layout, i used the new DCVW green stack. it is such nice quality textured card. i split the pack with someone else as i did not want 2 of each paper, we also split the embellishmen pack. the cards are made usig my new promarkers. i ahve been colouring like crazy since i got them but not have actually done anything with what i have coloured until now. oh i also added promarker detail to the leaves on my layout. I treid to upload this yesterday on the main computer but it wont let me upload the photos :(

Have been busy perparing for my exam on Saturday. every time i think it is sorted someone telle me something else that makes me panic and think i have gone wrong grrr. im sure it will be fine though.

My mum and dad have been away for a few days visiting friends leaving me grandad and luke behind. Luke has been at his girlfriends. I am a very heavy sleeper and prince does not bark when he wants to go out in the night. He has not needed to for a while now but he did last night :) Lovely boy i awoke to a lovely parcel on the rug lol. i need to sleep lighter!

anyone watching britains got talent? i just love diversity and flawless!! amazing!

Friday, 22 May 2009

All manner of things - quite long!

I have had a blog barely a week and i am already getting lax in posting!! woopsie. As a quick question does anyone know how to delete blogs? I have 2 old ones to delete from 2006!!

It has been mums birthday and we spent the morning having a photo shoot which was good. Then we went to Mambo Jambos. We made them play the happy birthday song and mum got a balloon pus a cocktail with a sparkler in it. She was soooo embarrased it was great.

I turned my favourite picture into a layout for a challenge. The chalenge is currently secret as it is being set by my team over at UKS in June. I am on my laptop and i dont have a programme on here to crop pictures ect. Can anyone recommend one?

My tortoise has laid some eggs! woop. It is the second time she has had some but the little boy is a bit too young, his swimmers arent quote strong enough. We will check the eggs tonight but it is doubtfull they will be fertile yet. sigh. Soon though i hope as she is obviously a good egg layer lol. She gets all cuddly when she is going to have some so you always know, bless her.

What is it with road works at the moment, they are everywhere!! At the moment they are boxing us in! my house in the middle of a small box with main roads running round all 4 sides, 3 of which they are doing major road works on! It is a nightmare to get in and out of the area. The road to my road will be closed at one end next week and my friend is coming round so i need to redirect her around all the roadworks! grrr stupic roadworks

anyway hope i have not board you to much. Until next time.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Quick post

Just a quick post today to let you all know about the exam. It went pretty rubbish! Everybody thought so not just me. I attempted all questions and not everybody did but i am not happy with any answers. Everyone thinks they did really badly and we are all quite anfry for various reasons. Jut need to wait for the results to see what will happen... grrrr. To comiserate i went to Taverham to collect mums birthay pressie and bought a few little craft bits while i was there. hehe.

Monday, 18 May 2009


I have my exam tomorrow arrggghhhh!! i need a few miracles lol. i have recently done a Layout on the subject of this exam. It was only a quick and basic page as i could not spend long on a linguistics page lol. I also did as part of the weekly challenge over at UKS. I have added journalling in the gold brackets but the photot was taken previously


MY mum made these two cards the other day using the cricut paper dolls cartridge and i was rather impressed so i thought i would share with you.

As for a prince update for those who know all about princes problems (my dog) he is slowly getting better. When he was a puppy he used to eat everything small and fabricy. He wpould even try to take a cleaning cloth out of your hands to eat. We thought he grew out of it but it must have been he stopped as he was unwell as now he is feeling a little bit better he is eating them again. This morning i discovered a cloth, last week he ate 2 socks and the week before my makeup sponge! He is a devil.

Does anyone have the link to Janes blog please? I dont seem to h ave it.

Friday, 15 May 2009

Introduction :)

Welcome to my blog!
We can all blame Lisa for my new blog as she put the idea in my head, hehe. I will try not to bore everyone too much!

I thought i would start by shpowing you a neclace and earing set i made with some cute beads from Jarrolds. I went for a magazine and came out with the beads. I had so many ideas on how to use them i think i might need more.... Apologies for the bad photography as my mum took the picture but i could not do any better either so should not complain lol.

I am not doing much at the moment just revisisng for stupid exams. I have my first next tuesday and i need a miracle to pass! I have not done the subject since December and i did not understand it then and dont understand it now. Linguistics anyone.....

and a cute picture of prince to finish off my first post :)